Geniko Lykeio Paralias hosted the event in collaboration with thw Association for the Protection of the Sea Turtle ARCHELON on Wednesday 12 May 2021.
The aim of this event was to raise awareness of students and motivate them to participate actively in the protection of the environment. Sea turtles are a small part of the marine ecosystem but also a typical example of the impact of human behavior on the environment. After all, biodiversity is closely linked to the sustainability but also to climate change as oceans, wetlands and forests can block about half of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions that are mainly responsible for the thermal effect.
During our tour of the Sea Turtle Rescue Center we were introduced to the species of sea turtles that exist in the Mediterranean Sea, observed the external reintegration tanks and the turtles hosted there, vistited the treatment tanks, observed the sea turtles, listened to their stories and saw the impact that human activity has on marine life.
After the tour we played togather a Live Quizizz entitled «Human intervention in the Mediterranean marine ecosystem«.
The live event ended with a Jamboard were students wrote their thoughts, feelings and suggestions.

Vassilios Stavridis, a teacher at GEL Paralia, wrote an article about the event in which he points out the connection between biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability. The article was published in a local newspaper (Peloponnesos) on Sunday, May 16, 2021.

A report on the event was also posted on the website of Geniko Lykeio Paralias.
from: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/109639/pages/page/1631513