The learning teaching training activity “Social Entrepreneurship” has included three different types of activities: – workshops on entrepreneurial skills, workshops on intercultural skills and meetings with entrepreneurs.
Methodology of activities was focused on students (students’ centred methodology) and hands-on learning.
All partners got together in Spain with a common topic: social entrepreneurship. Students participated in the planned activities to foster their entrepreneurial and intercultural skills.

This activity was aimed to foster awareness on the social aspect of entrepreneurship. Hence, they received a workshop on the topic “Circular economy and economy for the common good” Besides, they were exposed to practical experience of social entrepreneurs on how to make an impact on your environment and received guidance from the people at a “Laboratory of ideas for entrepreneurs.

As for the work on entrepreneurial skills, they took part in workshops to develop interpersonal skills and organisational skills to set up a company with a canva design. They also exchanged the work they previously carried out at their home schools regarding the setting up of companies in their local areas.
Finally, work on intercultural skills included the exchange of information on their home countries and workshops on Spanish culture and cultural visits.